The End
That's how the story of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer would have sounded if we just focused on the "What" part of that story. Sure, we covered all of the details, but no one cares. There is no emotion, no imagery, no hope, yearning, struggles or victory for us to celebrate in that version of the story.
Compare your yawn from the first version with the success of the longest running holiday special in television history . Now think about HOW that story was told. Picture Rudolph as the poor outcast. He made us all root for the under-reindeer. He found an island of shared outcasts and he saved the day. It became a television special.
Now think about your website.
Does the copy on your homepage sound more like the list of facts at the top of this post or does it evoke emotion, make your clients yearn for your services, evoke a smell of cookies fresh from the oven (well we can dream, can't we??). Your story and HOW you tell it can build a connection with your audience in ways that no list of facts ever will. But you have to tell your story, not recite a list of bullet points.
No go watch that Rudolph rerun. And light the way for your clients who are searching for your unique services.