Despite what certain artists would have you believe, dogs are not very good poker players.
Picture this. You’re at the poker table. Everyone has made their contribution to the kitty. The dog across the table gets a great hand. Aside from the whole missing opposable thumbs problem, that dog is going to be at a serious disadvantage when it comes to bluffing. His tail is going to tell the whole story. Bad hand, he’s gonna be scared and that tail is going to be tucked under him. Great hand, tail will be wagging 100 miles an hour.
At least my dog would not have a problem keeping a poker face. She’s a Basset Hound and looks sad no matter what. But that tail communicates her every emotion.
But it's that same instant feedback you get from dogs that makes them the ideal audience for a presentation.
Just imagine. You could deliver your message and see what they think while you’re talking. No more waiting for those surveys to come in. And you wouldn't have to answer all of those tough questions. You just look out over that pack of dogs and look for a bunch of wagging tails. If you see them, you will know either a.)food has arrived or b.)you are getting their attention.
Talk about non-verbal communication. Too bad they don’t understand what we’re saying most of the time.