*rumored to be the next new product from the people who make the BlackBerry.
It used to be that we talked about benefits, not features, when we were marketing software. But it's deeper than that. Simon Sinek says it's about the Why. Behavior is motivated by shared beliefs. I think he's right. The experience has something to do with what we buy, as does our identification with other users of the product or service.
All of that is great, but first you have to make a connection.
When it comes to making connections, it doesn't matter if you use smoke signals, face to face meetings, Twitter, or a fax machine, if you push a bunch of one-sided "buy now" drivel at me, I am going to ignore you. Period.
But, if you say something of interest, or make me laugh, or relate to me in a way that piques my interest, I am all ears. It might be the tone of voice or the images that you use. It could be what someone else says about you that makes me take note. But it requires a willing engagement on my part. That is the hard part as a marketer. You have to earn my attention. My time is valuable and I am distracted. Why should I spend time with you?
The medium isn't the point. It's just technology. Learn how to care about other people first. Then figure out how to share the love. The tools don't matter.