That would be my introduction at our first support group meeting.
It would have to be in a huge meeting hall because there would be a bunch of us in the room. There wouldn't be enough food or chairs for us all, because many of us would have never gotten around to RSVPing. We'd have large handbags or briefcases filled with coupons we never use and articles we plan to read.
We could never hold a meeting on October 15th, because we'll all be working on our taxes until 11:59.
Why does procrastination work? Why does my brain function bettter right before a deadline than it does in the six months leading to the due date for the term paper? And is it a blessing or a curse? Do some people work in little bits all along while only the defective ones like me require massive amounts of adrenaline to get fully engaged? Is the problem somehow related to excess Diet Coke consumption?
I have one friend who has invented a series of tiny deadlines which trick her into getting the work done faster. I have another who claims it is a methodology - she knows she will spend too much time tinkering if she starts too early, so she purposely waits until the last minute.
Why does the mundane stuff (not related to the task at hand) suddenly become 100 times more interesting right before a deadline? Why does the urge to clean only come forth at midnight on the day of final exams?
If you were looking for answers in this post, you'll have to wait until another day. I haven't gotten around to finding them yet.