Every time I speak I rush to read the evaluations. Unfortunately, no matter how many positive responses there are, it is the negative ones I obsess over. What did I do wrong? Why don't they like me? Sometimes I carry that around for days. But eventually, I return to reason and direct my focus to making my next presentation better than the last one.
When I am on stage delivering a presentation, I feed off of my audience. If I feel them slipping away, I try to adapt my talk to regain their attention. Sometimes that makes me rush through my material and skip over a key point or two. Other times, it makes me soar. But I have learned that this too can be survived.
Successful comedians learn how to survive what is called "dying on stage". It happens when no one laughs at their joke. They accept it as part of the job. Those who endure learn to use the audience feedback as a way of constantly perfecting their craft. I don't know how they do it.